List of the most frequently asked questions by our clients.


Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? We've got answers. If you have some other questions, contact us!.

Once we have all the content (text and images), it should take 1-2 weeks for us to design and build a typical, medium scale website of 5-10 pages. The most time-consuming phase of any web project is collecting and writing the content.
In order to keep our prices as low as possible, we do not offer proposals or accept RFPs. However, we do start each project with a plan in place. Once you hire us, we outline the content and design details prior to starting.
The project starts with a 50% deposit. Once we have completed and fulfilled our scope, the final 50% is collected and your website is then scheduled for launch.
Our answer is Yes, you can always contact us to discuss your exact situation. However, We've found it's cheaper in most cases to start over than it is to revise or complete an existing website.
YES! Everything that we build will be 100% owned by you.

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